Tuesday, April 28, 2020

नेपालमा पिडाको कुनै मोल छैन।।

खोई त सरकार, खोइ त भोट मागने नेता, खोइ त गाउँपालिका नगरपालिका स्थानीय प्रतिनिधि । भोटको बेला यो गरिदिन्छुु त्यो गरिदिन्छुु आज परेको बेला थाहा भएपनि हराएका। जनताले भन्दैछन् फेरि ईलेक्सन आउँछ।

तेसो भऐ के आउदो ईलेक्सनमा मासु दारू, पैसा दीने, ठुला ठुला झुठा वाचा गर्ने लाई होइन असल प्रतिनिधिलाई चयन गर्नेछन् त जनताले।  ठूलो प्रशन .....।।।

हाम्रो समाज र अाउने पुस्ता ।।।

हाम्रो समाज र अाउने पुस्ता ।।।

कस्तो छ त हाम्रो समाज र हामिले के दिएर जानेछौ हाम्रो अाउने पुस्तालाई ?

 हाम्रो समाजको एक झल्लक। 
कस्तो छ त हाम्रो समाज? अाजको समाजको कुरा गर्नु पर्दा, निकै दुख लाग्छ। अाजको समाजमा मानव्ता हराउदै गइरहेको छ र स्वार्थ, लोभ लालच, क्रुरता, अचेतना अादिको ब्रिघी भएको छ। समाजमा पेय पदार्थ ( जाड रक्सि, दारू, गाजा भाङ अादि) को प्रयोग बढेको छ। गाउँमा १८ बर्ष मुनिका धेरै बालक यस्ता पेय पदार्थ को सिकार भएको देखिन्छ । यो सब हाम्रो समाजको देन हो। पसलेलाई बेच्नु छ र पैसा कमाउनु छ, तेसैले लिनेमान्छेको हो नबुझि दिन्छन् । तेसै गरि अाफुलाई समाजका अगुवा भन्नेलाई त्यो देखिदै देखिन्न किनभने त्यो पेय पदार्थको प्रयोग गर्ने बालक उस्को छोरा होइन। त्यही समाजका अगुवालाई सलाम ठोकेर अाफ्नो पेय पदार्थको पसल चलाउने गरेका छन। 

तेसै गरि समाजमा भइरहेको दाइजोमा पनि ठूलो योगदान छन् यी समाजका अगुवाको। समाजका अगुवाको परिवारलाई निकै ठूलो मानिनछ तर यथार्तमा समाजमा यस्तोलाई छुनु पनि पाप होला। समाजमा यी समाजका अगुवालेनै सबैभन्दा बढि दाइजो लिन्छन र समाजमा यो रितिरिवाज हो भनेर वढावा दिन्छन् । एउटा परिवारलाई अाफ्नो घर बेच्न बाध्य बनाई अाफ्नो छोरीको बिहे गर्ने कार्यक्रम कसरी रितीरिवाज हुन सक्छ । अाफ्नो प्यारो बुबालाई ऋिनी बनाई बिहे गर्ने कार्यक्रम कसरी रितीरिवाज हुन सक्छ । तेत्ति मत्रै का हुनु बिहेमा यति देहेज लेको छ तेसैले यस्तो यति खर्च गर्नुपर्नेछ अनि समाजमा नाम हुन्छ भनेर उस्काउने पनि यीनै समाजका अगुवा हुन।

यति मत्रै काहा हुनु मन त तब फुटेर अाउछ जब थाहा हुन्छ कि समाजका अगुवाले एउटा गर्भवती महिलालाई उसको सासू अामाले सानो कुराको न्यु पारेर मारिदिन्छ र समाजको अगुवाले अब गल्ती त भई हाल्यो अब यस्को समाधान गाउँको इज्जत भनेर गाउँका दुई चारवटा लाई सिकाएर प्रहरीचौकीमा अात्म हत्या भनेर कानुनलाई  झुक्याएर समाजमा अाफु समाजको रखवाला भनेर चिनाउछन्।  अब हजुर भन्नुस यो समाज कस्तो छ र काहा जादैछ। 

हाम्रो समाजमा यस्ता हजारै घटनाहरू दबिएका छन्।  समाजका अगुवाको कार्य याहामात्र काहा सकिनछर। समाजमा रहेका पढेलेखेकाहरूले यस्तो कार्यको बिरोधमा केही गर्न खोजदा समाजका अगुवाका ठूलो गुठ हुदोरहेछ गाउँमा र त्यही गुठ परिचालन गरि सबैलाई रोकिदिन्छन्। अर्को प्रसङ्ग यस्तो हुन्छ कि गाउँका पढेलेखेका र समाजमा सुधार ल्याउन खोजनेहरू बढिभन्दा बढि गाउँदेखि बाहिर रहेका छन्  र यसै कारणले होला कि गाउँमा हजारौं यस्तो घटना घटेर पनि कसैको नजरमा अाको छैनन् । र यस्ता समाजका अगुवाले समाज झनै खोक्लो बनाई रहेका छन्।

अब यस्तो समाजले हाम्रो अाउने पुस्तालाई के दिरहेको छ र के दिएर जानेछन। अब यो समाजमा के को अाव्शयक्ता छ र कसरी त्यो अाव्शयक्ता पूरा गर्न सकिन्छ ।

अाफ्नो मनको कुरा कमेन्ट्मा राखिदिनु होला।।।।।

Monday, April 27, 2020

State-2 in Nepal

what is State-2 in Nepal? How is this State-2 division done? Who are the people who accept the State-2 in Nepal? What are the foundation's of State-2 in Nepal? 

All these questions to Nepal government and  Peoples of State-2 in Nepal?

I would like to discuss one incident that had occurred with me in public bus during travel from Biratnagar to Rajbiraj.
---The question rised from me about state-2 in Nepal that, What do State-2 in Nepal have?
   His answer ` Nepal is called agricultural country it is only because of State-2 in Nepal. So we can use it as one of the most important resource for the people of state-2 in Nepal. We can feed whole nation from state-2 in Nepal. Many more......
   He was totally convinced that State-2 in Nepal is best state with much more opportunities for the people.

My Reaction towards him after listening to him.
       How can you say that state-2 in Nepal can be the best agricultural state. There are many lands for agricultural but what about irrigation facility. There is sky full of clouds with no water during requirement of it for crops. There are few canals and drinage but all are filled up with muds in lack of water. There are no money to buy fertilizer, pesticides and insecticides. If they have all these thing but where are people to work in agricultural field, they all are in dubai, katar, malaysia, and other khadi muluk. And now there family do not go for work in agricultural field. If some how people manage to grow their crops after all these difficulties than what rate do they get from businessman or dalal´s. And you are saying state-2 in Nepal has great opportunity. He aggred to my point, But he was still in his own points although he do not have answer of my questions.

Let´s come to see the state-2 in Nepal from another point of view. We all know that state-2 in Nepal do not have more corporate head office. Which means even the people from state-2 in Nepal are in good post than also they are not in state-2. Let me explained this, the person in good post are either in Kathmandu i.e. state-3 or in any other state with handsome salary which is again invested in same state where they live in fooding, lodging, education, entertainment, and many more. When they come to state-2, they feel difficult to pay Rs.15 for one cup of tea, where as they never realize expensive for same cup of tea while paying Rs.20 in other state. So you can easily judge that economic condition of state-2 in Nepal comparison to other state. 

We can also see that many good teachers, leacturers, professors are from State-2 in Nepal but they are unable to educate their own societies. So we can imagine education in State-2 in Nepal and direction of society where they are going.

Today state-2 in Nepal is full of political thieves, selfish leaders, drunk childrens, and uneducated societies. Who are responsible for this??

Today in the world difficulty of COVID-19 state-2 in Nepal is suffering much more than other states, Why??

Today peoples of state-2 in Nepal are walking in well gravelled (pitch road) road for more than 5 days, why??

Today people's of state-2 in Nepal are suffering from hunger, why??

What are we giving to our present children and what are we doing for our future generation in State-2 in Nepal??

Please share me your views....